
disclaimer- ELA

Disclaimer – Edufin Learning Academy 

The information on the Edufin Learning Academy website is for general information and does not recommend any financial gains, investment objectives, or requirements of individual clients. It is also for the personal information of the authorized recipient and we are not petitioning any action based on it. The information is not published to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security in any jurisdiction, where such an offer would be considered illegal.

We have been through the information that has been published. Though we consider that correct, yet do not guarantee the correctness of the present and past data. The readers of this information are open to their sources of investigation and neither Edufin Learning Academy nor any of the persons connected with Edufin Learning Academy do not accept any liability arising out of it.

The opinions expressed are subject to change but should be treated as opinions only. We strive to provide opinions but are limited since regulatory laws are governing us which restricts from publishing such opinions.

We want to stress that neither Edufin Learning Academy nor any individuals associated with our organization accept any liability that might arise from the use or interpretation of the information provided on the website. Our aim is to offer valuable information and insights, but we encourage users to exercise caution and seek professional advice when making any financial decisions.

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Disclaimer for online classes

Edufin Learning Academy is an educational institute and all the study materials or discussions are about educational purposes only and we do not suggest any stakeholder or any person whosoever to take up positions in live market or trade. Therefore we are also not responsible for any losses or gains made from the market.

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Disclaimer of Edufin . This disclaimer provides you a brief introduction about our website.


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