Sharda University Seminar

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Sharda University Seminar
Mr. Raman Rastogi addressing students
Mr. Munish Aggarwal adressing students
Mr. Rohit Kumar Jha addressing students

During our latest orientation program, we successfully engaged with the young minds of Sharda University. Our aim was to enlighten them about the significance of financial literacy and the benefits of early-stage investments. The experience of interacting with numerous students and professors from diverse academic disciplines was immensely gratifying. It feels truly rewarding to have contributed towards establishing a financial foundation for them.

Edufin Learning Academy |
Mr. Munish Aggarwal addressing the students of Sharda University
Mr. Raman Rastogi giving lecture to the students on stock market trading
Mr. Raman Rastogi explaining Stock Market Trading
Edufin Learning Academy |
Mr. Rohit Kumar Jha reaching out students

Sharda University Seminar

Edufin Being Honored by Mr. Dheeraj Sharma (Director of Sharda Skills) at Sharda University

Mr. Munish Aggarwal being honored by
Mr. Dheeraj Sharma

Mr. Raman Rastogi being honored by Mr. Dheeraj Sharma

Edufin Learning Academy |

Mr. Rohit Kumar Jha
being honored by
Mr. Dheeraj Sharma

Mr. Munish Aggarwal being honored by Mr. Dheeraj Sharma

Mr. Raman Rastogi
being honored by
Mr. Dheeraj Sharma

Mr. Rohit Kumar Jha being honored by Mr. Dheeraj Sharma

Mr. Rohit Kumar Jha being honored by Dheeraj Sharma

We were deeply impressed by the engaged and inquisitive group of students we had the pleasure of addressing. Their eagerness to learn and their insightful questions reinforced our belief in the bright future that lies ahead for them.

The warm hospitality extended to us during our time at Sharda University made our experience even more memorable. Your team’s support in coordinating logistics and ensuring a conducive environment for our sessions did not go unnoticed. It is through collaborative efforts like these that we can create meaningful partnerships that benefit both institutions and, more importantly, the students we aim to empower.

We are excited about the possibilities of future collaborations and initiatives that can enhance the educational landscape for aspiring young minds. We are confident that Sharda University’s dedication to academic excellence and holistic development will continue to inspire students to excel in their chosen paths.





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